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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 2, 2015 7:00am-9:01am PST

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good morning, america. winter mess. snow and cold wreaking havoc across the country. cars spinning out of control and thousands of flights cancelled. passengers sleeping at the airport, people trapped on planes for hours, and it's not over. a possible blizzard in the middle of the country is brewing now and heading east. [ bleep ]. new this morning. los angeles police fatally shooting a homeless man in front of a crowd of stunned onlookers. the entire incident caught on camera. officers say he was struggling to grab a weapon. the lapd investigating right now. dramatic rescue in midair. a routine skydive nearly turns deadly. the jumper falling unconscious moments after jumping out of the plane, plummeting to the ground at more than 120 miles an hour. how his quick-thinking instructor saved him moments before he hit the ground.
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and ghost town. the killer deal that's a no-brainer for one "walking dead" superfan with cash to spare. how you can walk away with a piece of the popular show. and we do say good morning, america on this monday morning. millions of people watch "the walking dead" every week. you're very much part of that number, aren't you? >> i am very much -- in fact, i didn't see yesterday's episode. no one tell me what happened. all right. wait. you guys, don't look. >> we won't. also, take a look at this. it's unbelievable. this is an image on lake michigan. 31st street harbor. the harbor light is completely iced over. >> that is incredible. >> one of the snowiest februarys on record for the windy city. winter not done yet. ginger knows that well.
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here's boston inching closer to its worst winter every. our extreme team tracking it all and we're going to begin in boston with abc's linsey, davis. >> reporter: we got about two inches of snow overnight here in boston. but that is on top of all of this. yes. welcome to mt. kilimanjaro this morning. 104 inches of snow this season. we are just four inches shy of the all-time record. >> i'm over it. >> reporter: this morning fresh snow adding to the winter misery. >> the roads are terrible. i skidded all over the place. >> i spun out and i'm there. >> reporter: across the country, drivers struggling to get on and stay on roads. >> i didn't know how to control my car. i was swerving a lot. and i ran basically slid down that hill. >> reporter: in north carolina, black ice led to this 12-car pileup. >> stuck in the ditch, it's bad out here. >> reporter: just south of st.
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louis, a massive 30-vehicle pileup after a greyhound bus lost control. snowplows are out in boston. >> we're still doing about 950 truckloads a night off the street. we're not at the point where we're out of room, but it's starting to get tight and still removing snow. >> reporter: with 8 1/2 feet already fallen this winter, bostonians are just a few inches from a snowfall record. >> i don't want anymore. i'm tired of it. >> reporter: it's actually very likely that boston will break the snowfall record with more snow in the forecast for tuesday and more snow in the forecast for thursday. robin, don't shoot the messenger, i'm just telling you what i know. >> all right, linsey, you got it. thank you. the weather is creating a travel nightmare. hundreds more flights cancelled this morning. abc's jim avila has that story for us. >> reporter: this morning, the frigid conditions around the country creating the worst possible scenario for air travelers.
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more than 2,000 flights cancelled sunday. and since friday, more than 4,000 cancelled. winter weather in dallas/ft. worth a big part of the problem causing a logjam of flights and forcing around 5,000 passengers to sleep in the airport. >> extremely frustrating. >> it's just mind-boggling. >> reporter: some passengers stuck in the airport since friday. abc's gloria rivera spoke to some waiting on hold. >> how long have you been waiting on hold? >> like, three days. >> three days on hold. >> reporter: one american airlines flight from dallas to oklahoma city, which is only supposed to take 40 minutes, kept more than 200 passengers on the plane for nine hours friday. driving there would have only taken three. some passengers helped themselves to the liquor cabinet. >> by the end of the day, eight, ten hours in, everybody really wanted to go home. >> reporter: a shared sentiment at airports across the country.
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and it will be a slow recovery. ice and airplanes just don't mix. already this morning more than 550 cancellations. robin. >> so frustrating. all right, there, jim, thank you very much. and ginger, there's another storm on the way as linsey was saying. >> just like linsey said. and don't shoot the messenger, because i hate to tell you, this unsettled weather happening from southern california yesterday. those are waterspouts over the ocean. they got quite a bit of rain throughout southern california. that low along with extra moisture moved into nevada and arizona. they got flood watches from yuma to phoenix, and then more rain to southern california today. some of the mountain areas is going to get 18-plus inches. that's the same storm sliding across and bring minneapolis some windy and snowy conditions and, yes, more snow right here in the northeast, george. much more coming up on this. >> thanks. we're going to move now to that deadly incident caught on camera.
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l.a. police officers fatally shot a homeless man after a confrontation. the officers say the man was going for one of their weapons and the lapd is now investigating the incident. abc's ryan smith has the latest. >> reporter: overnight, the lapd under fire over an officer shooting caught on tape starting with a 911 call and the event that followed playing out in broad daylight, leading one man to lose his life. the dramatic video begins as a group of officers responds to a robbery call in l.a.'s skid row sunday afternoon. watch as four officers frantically struggle with a homeless man dressed in dark clothing while two others swarm a woman who grabbed a baton at the scene. as she puts in handcuffs the fight in the background continues. at least one of the officers appearing to punch the suspect on the ground. >> drop the gun! >> reporter: within seconds somebody shouts drop the gun. you can also hear the distinct sound of a taser. listen. >> drop the gun now!
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>> reporter: and then, another distinct sound, even more ominous. gunshots. >> whoa! oh, my god! >> reporter: spectators immediately responding. >> ain't nobody got no gun. they just shot that man right here, man. >> reporter: the man later pronounced dead at a nearby hospital. eyewitnesses said the man was known as africa on the street. this morning, it's not clear if he was armed. the lapd says it's investigating the incident and the officers believed he was trying to grab an officer's weapon. >> upon their arrival, they made contact with the suspect and during that contact, an altercation occurred. the taser was deployed, however, at this time we still do not know if that taser did strike the suspect. after that, the struggle continued and an officer involved shooting occurred. >> the three officers that opened fire had been placed on leave pending the outcome of the investigation. but in the wake of the michael
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brown, eric garner and tamir rice cases which captivated and divided the nation many more questions are sure to be asked. george. >> no question about that. ryan, thanks very much. now to the war against isis. iraqi forces launching a major offensive against the terror group trying to recapture saddam hussein's hometown and learning more about jihadi john. brian ross has been tracking all of this. >> good morning, robin. after five months of finding him in secret with his name and face public, the attempt to capture or kill the man called jihadi john is very much intensifying. hiding behind his mask, he was the face of isis and of evil. but, unmasked, wearing an american baseball cap, mohammed emwazi was really nothing special. in fact, a former isis fighter told bbc correspondent paul wood that emwazi was not a leader at all but more like a recruitment pawn. the fighter's voice was dubbed
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over. >> isis played him like a piano. a celebrity to attract our muslim brothers in europe, but some think he's showing off, they think he's being used by isis. >> reporter: even as a school boy, emwazi was spotted by teachers as having a violent streak. one teacher told the bbc, at the age of 11 he was put in anger management therapy. >> we found that he would get very angry and worked up and it would take him a long time to calm himself day. >> reporter: he loved graphic video games including duke nuken. at a time they were joining jihad and extremists continuing to preach their hate. british authorities have kept emwazi's family at this row house in london under surveillance for months in case he tries to contact them. and authorities are particularly interested in emwazi's young brother, omar, who is now active in the london group who tries to convert non-muslims.
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friends say he is sad about his brother's plight. authorities say they have been tracking him for months, but he's been careful using cell phones that could give away his location. and authorities say, knowing his name is one thing but knowing where he's hiding inside syria is another. >> thank you. >> thanks. we're going to go to washington now, where israeli benjamin netanyahu will address congress tomorrow. netanyahu is going to push back against a possible deal with iran now being negotiated by secretary of state john kerry. let's go to jon karl for more on this. white house officials have called this speech destructive to the u.s./israel relationship but kerry tried to soften that yesterday. >> he sure did. at least a little. george, he told martha raddatz that, although the circumstances surrounding netanyahu's speech are odd, he is welcome to speak in the united states. the israelis have also said that
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he will be respectful to president obama in his speech. but, george, there is no getting around the larger issue here. and that is that netanyahu is adamantly opposed to the deal that president obama is now trying to strike with iranians on their nuclear program and he will use that speech before congress to warn that, if that deal is struck, it will allow iran to get dangerously close to getting a nuclear weapon. >> that's right in the middle of the negotiations going on right now. i want to turn to politics now, the 2016 race for president heating up already. the conservative meeting had their straw poll over the weekend. we see rand paul winning over scott walker. ted cruz behind him and jeb bush in fifth place. what leaps out at that for you? >> first of all, no surprise that rand paul won that, he's won three years in a row. his father, ron paul, won two of the previous three years. but, george, what's significant there is scott walker has really broken through. you see a very close second. the governor of wisconsin quickly becoming a favorite of conservatives and jeb bush in fifth place in single digits. another reminder that he is going to have a very hard time convincing conservatives in the
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republican party to vote for him. >> yeah he took some tough questions when he appeared. jon karl, thanks very much. amy with the news and topping today one of the nurses who contracted ebola filing a lawsuit. >> indeed, george. and we begin with that nurse. she became the first person to contract the disease in america. nina pham is speaking out, planning to sue the hospital in texas where she became infected. her fear is that she may never fully recover. here's abc's cecilia vega. >> reporter: she was the face of ebola in america. >> i feel fortunate and blessed to be standing here today. >> reporter: nurse nina pham back in october grateful for the care she received including at the dallas hospital where she caught the deadly disease while caring for thomas duncan, patient zero, set to file a lawsuit later this morning against its parent company texas health resources. pham is accusing texas health presbyterian hospital of negligence. >> nina pham should not have gotten ebola. and there needs to be some accountability for that.
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>> reporter: pham telling the dallas morning news that she became a symbol of corporate neglect, citing a lack of treatment saying her only ebola guidance was from an online printout. pham still has nightmares. >> i would wake up and check my hands, make sure my gloves are on. >> reporter: pham's lawyer also claims her privacy was violated inside this hospital room despite pham's request to remain anonymous. this morning, texas health resources telling us that we continue to support and wish the best for her and we remain optimistic that constructive dialogue can resolve this matter. for "good morning america" can cecelia vega, abc news, new york. and concerns are mounting over deadly bacteria classified as a bioterror agent, was
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somehow released from the tulane primate research lab. officials say there is no public risk but they tell usa today the extent of contamination is still unknown. it is the latest in a string of recent lab safety breaches nationwide. in moscow, 30,000 people marched in the shadow of the kremlin to honor the outspoken government critic boris nemtsov who was gunned down friday. investigators claim possible suspects could include other opposition figures or islamic extremists. breaking news from washington d.c. democratic senator barbara mikulski of maryland is announcing her retirement the 78-year-old is the longest serving woman in the history of congress. take a look at the close call in college basketball. watch this dunk during the northern illinois basketball game, watch the hoop. it's a bit of a delay. that dunk was so powerful. boom. it collapses the entire backboard which takes out that player from the other team. he ducks. look at that. just in the nick of time to avoid being crushed.
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all right, finally, a new entry in our list of dumb criminals. this would-be car thief really knocked himself out. he tries to shatter the window of this mercedes with a small rock. that doesn't work. so, he comes back with a larger brick. he hurls it at the window and boom! it hits him right in the head. he walked away with wounded pride. i would like to call this little ditty, carma with a "c". >> nice one. >> you like that? >> he goes ahead of the list. >> with a boom. >> he came back. >> yes. >> keep them coming. those are always our favorites. i want to switch gears right now, guys, and talk to you about a story everybody is talking about. it's this "saturday night live" parody that's igniting quite the fire firestorm. the show known for pushing the envelope but some say a skit about a girl saying good-bye to her dad to join isis crosses the lane. abc's david wright has the story. >> well, this is it.
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>> reporter: the "snl" skit shows a father dropping his daughter off for her big life adventure. >> okay, just make sure to -- >> call you when i get there. >> reporter: the parody of toyota's big ad from the super bowl, where the dad tears up as his little girl joins the army. but "snl's" parody has a terrible twist. >> you be careful, okay? >> dad, it's just isis. >> reporter: this daughter played by dakota johnson is headed off in a flatbed full of bearded militants. >> take care of her. >> death to america. >> reporter: that twist, a nod to girls like these three british teenagers voluntarily heading off to join isis. on twitter, a firestorm, some calling the skit depraved, vile, unfunny. really? skits about isis, you are whacked and sick.
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this morning, the actor is defending the parody tweeting, proud of this, freedom to mock is our greatest weapon and veteran comedian arsenio hall simply tweeted #snl #hilarious. >> "snl's" role is to take on these things. >> reporter: it is not the first time "snl" has made fun of isis. >> so, who is ready to invest in crushing the west? >> reporter: but in this new skit, girls like these and their heartbroken parents are the butt of the joke, even so on twitter there are still plenty of people defending the skit. one person writing, if we don't laugh, they win. for "good morning america," david wright, abc news, new york. >> tough debate. i mean, i understand that last point. i still can't watch it. >> it's tough to watch. >> especially if you're a family who's -- >> who has been affected. >> yeah. it's hard. let's go to ginger. a lot of fog. >> lots of fog. dense fog advisories all the way
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from texas and louisiana to washington d.c. this morning. much of maryland. there's an inversion and a lot of the moisture trapped below it. some of the visibility is less than a quarter mile at times and you can see some of the numbers coming up, new orleans is less than a mile. tallahassee about a half mile, charlotte same thing and washington, d.c., 2.8. that might affect some flights and certainly your driving. lots of warmth just south of the front. tampa, 80. your local forecast moments away.
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good monday morning. i'm nick with your bay area micro climate forecast. clouds are on the increase the possibility of listening, thunder and small hail today. clearing. a little bit of fog inland. we have a big time warming trend coming towards the back half of the forecast. low to mid 60s. check out all the 30s inland to 40s near the >> so, what do you do when you get another 8 to 12 inches of snow in indiana? you make mignons! at least that's what rick horton did. linda who runs the camera for us, that's her brother. >> really? >> yeah. >> very creative. first prize. >> lots of work there. >> that is a creative family. thanks for sharing that, ginger. coming up on "gma," new developments in the search for a florida mom. vanished almost four years ago. why the could case is heating up right now. >> also ahead, the frantic hunt for one of the suspects in this deadly drag racing crash. >> plus, a twist in the story of
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this reportedly undoctored photo of cindy crawford. why the photographer who took it is now saying it's fake. ored photo of cindy crawford. why the photographer who took it is now saying it's fake. ♪ whoa ♪ ♪ when i wake up in the morning to the clear blue sky ♪ ♪ turn up the music when i hop in the ride ♪ ♪ i'm the bomb and about to blow up... ♪ the new work collection. perfected. by white house black market.
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this is very interesting. ahead, a major medical breakthrough. how a simple run on the treadmill can tell you how . good morning. i'm eric thomas. developing news livermore police are investigating the shooting deaths of two i didn't think men in-- young men in a quiet neighborhood.
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officers arrived and found one victim dead at the scene. officers detained a suspect a few hours later. >> it's pretty much your typical grind. tracy to dublin,just under an hour. slowing 101 san rafael into san francisco. here's a look at westbound 580. that is not a good alternate for you this morning from the 580
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mt. hood was left off the list. so was the oregon coast, the columbia river gorge and the painted hills. smith rock and the wallowas are all missing. whoever named the seven wonders never set foot in oregon because even crater lake was left off their list. so we see your wonders world and raise you seven of our own. the seven wonders of oregon. see one, or better yet
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slide doung theing down the coast, i don't think it will be quite as intense as it was saturday. if you're heading out right now a lot of 40s out there. we have some 50s at antioch. hayward 53. 51 at half moon bay. notice our future radar returns. they're few and far between. that's how wide spread these showers will be. once this passes, the rest of
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good morning, america. right now a powerful storm bringing a possible blizzard to the midwest and snow to the east. >> police in florida have he launched their investigation into the mother of three who disappeared nearly four years ago. >> and the dramatic sky diving rescue caught on tape. the instructor saving an unconscious jumper. >> good morning, america. hope you had a good weekend. this may be amy's favorite story of the morning. right? >> that's right. it's my favorite show. i am among the millions of "walking dead" fans who watch every week. now there is a chance to own a piece of the show and this one is a real no-brainer. >> a little clue right there. right now we're going to begin with the unsolved mystery of the
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missing mom in florida van fishing nearly four years ago. after appearing on the people's court. abc's mara schiavocampo here with the latest. >> michelle parker disappeared without a trace. investigators are going back over their steps and looking for a piece of evidence from her car. this morning investigators have relaunched their search for clues in the disappearance of florida mom michelle parker. scouring a wooded area near where she was last seen. >> i want to find michelle alive, not dead. >> parker went missing in 2011 on the same day she appeared on the people's court. >> he said he wanted his ring. so i took it off and threw it at him. >> facing off against her former fiance the father of her twins over this $5,000 engagement ring. he gets malicious and
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vindictive. >> investigators smith seen here shoving our cameras is the primary person of interest in parker's disappearance and raising the couple's twins. police looking for this decal missing from her hummer. a virtual needed in a haystack as police comb these dense woods near the orlando airport located between two key sites in the investigation. dale smith's home where parker was last seen dropping off their toddlers and the body of water where her cell phone was found over two weeks later. a search came up empty and so has this one so far. >> it's agony not knowing what happened to your child. >> smith's lawyer says he hasn't committed a crime and no one has been charged. >> whoever committed this crime has at least covered their tracks to a certain extent and they haven't talked.
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>> parker's parents say they're worried about their grandchildren as smith has moved to tennessee from them. we reached out to smith but did not hear back. >> thanks very much. >> thank you, george. now to the deadly drag can race in los angeles. a video showing a car spinning out of control, killing two people as it went into the crowd. police have one driver in custody this morning and searching for another. abc's brandi hitt has the story. >> reporter: one man behind bars and a second at large after this drag race turned deadly. watch this video obtained. just three seconds after the cars take off the gray mustang on the left spins out of control plowing through a crowd of 60 spectators killing two and critically injuring a third. watch again. the green light signaling the drivers to go. investigators say the driver of
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the mustang lost control hitting a curb and jumping a sidewalk finally coming to a stop after crashing into a utility pole. the 21-year-old turning himself in after allegedly fleeing the scene. police booking on him suspicion of murder. he hasn't entered a plea. police looking for the driver of the car they believe he was racing. you can see the thick black tire marks where this drag race started and it's obvious this wasn't the first time. illegal scenes like this are becoming too familiar across california. police breaking up this side show in oakland last november. one car bursting into flames. in december another side show and street race shutting down this southern california freeway. >> street racing all too often is publicized as glamorous entertainment. it's criminal dangerous. >> this morning los angeles police say they need witnesses to step forward to solve this drag race turned murder investigation.
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for "good morning america" brandi hitt abc news los angeles. >> hopefully someone will step forward. >> now let's go to amy with today's "speed feed". >> we're going to tell you what you're going to be seeing all day trending on facebook news that most of the town that's the set of the walking dead is up for sale. those are my friends. remember when they came to the studio. i was so excited. nine buildings are being put up for sale by the former mayor. he's now put them up on ebay for $680,000. a killer deal for a town living on the tourist trade from fans of the show and by snapping up part of that smash hit show set, well you can take a bite out of zombie history. tell us what's in your feeds this morning with the more socialsquare. i don't know. you might be a little afraid. walking around. but so great. you know i just wanted to do that. >> i know.
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we were waiting for you to do it. >> she really can quite -- the sound is good. >> excellent. >> to see that a couple times. >> c'mon, guys. let's chip in. let's chip in. >> happy birthday. >> for years to come. >> what a surprise. record cold. >> record cold in the east. but record warmth out west. i say happy meter logical spring everybody. yay! >> yay! >> okay. so the record warmth i was talking about people out west have not had a winter. very little snow. seattle washington warmest february on record. las vegas the same thing. chicago had its coldest while billing on the new york broke it. coldest february on record. it is a sign of our nation going on into the next couple of days. blizzard warning in red. southern minnesota, blizzard watch back to the west. not just two to five inches of
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snow. it's winds 35 to 45 miles per hour gusting to 50 and blowing that snow around through tuesday. this is the mountain snow of today and tomorrow and tuesday into tuesday night through wisconsin and we're talking wednesday about that storm doing sleet good morning. i'm mike nicco. chance of scattered showers with the possibility of thunder and small hail later that afternoon. my accuweather seven-day forecast warming t >> all that weather brought to you by car max. now spring comes in 20 days or so. we'll look for that. >> i heard people talking about march sadness instead of march madness with all the weather. >> one day. >> does that mean warmer actually? >> yes. just 20 more days. >> yes.
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that's that's what most people think of spring. >> sometimes george and i think we're at a tennis match. >> don't know where it's going to go. >> she's always happy to share. >> nice. >> coming up we have a breakthrough new study that may tell you how much longer you will live. all it takes is a quick jog on the treadmill? >> and the mystery of the photo of cindy crawford that went viral. the photographer who took it now says it's fake. rong choice? it's like, if i buy a t-shirt and then change my mind i can return it. but a car? you don't reeeaaa eeeeeaaaaaly know until you've driven it a few days. i just want to be sure. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them.
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back now at 7:42 with the mystery over the unaltered photo of cindy crawford. the photographer claiming the picture was stolen and doctored. abc's linzie janis is with the story. >> so many women were relieved when this photo showing crawford's less than perfect mid drift was allegedly leaked. but now the photographer who
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shot it says those imperfections didn't exist in his photo. it's the photo that went viral for allegedly showing the real cindy crawford. but this morning it appears those imperfections may not be real at all. john russo who photographed crawford for a cover and spread back in 2013 telling abc news the photo he took was stolen or unlawfully accessed and alter and distributed to the media. the magazine using mostly head shots and a video from the shoot only showed her from the chest up. but when a british journalist shared the altered and leaked image on twitter last month, women around the world couldn't help but rejoice, one tweeting turns out she has a real body just like me and another saying finally, thank you, every woman needs to see. >> i'm happy with my body now but it's not my old body. >> crawford who spoke about her changing body during a 2012
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interview with the huffington post has remained silent on the photo. but in a blog post at the time marie clair america implied it was legit saying it showed a body that defies expectations. it is real honest and gorgeous. this morning neither the magazine nor crawford as responded to russo's claim that the unflattering photo was in fact doctored. but some pointing to another picture as proof. just days after the story exploded crawford's husband, randy gerber instagramed the model looking toned as picture perfect as ever. cindy crawford has not returned our phone calls. if someone did doctor that photograph she's perfect after all. >> she's perfect in that photo. i think she looks pretty darn great. >> how was that unflattering? >> she's had two kids and looks fantastic.
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>> and she works hard at it too. >> no matter what, cindy, you're gorgeous. i'm sorry. >> i'm with you. >> coming up on "good morning america" oscar winning a traes monique, what she cease telling us this morning. >> a terrifying video of the skydiver plunging towards the ground unconsciousment how his instructor saved his life. come on back. campbell's® fiesta chicken lime tortilla. sausage and pepper rigatoni. southwest style bean & barley. tuscany style chicken and pasta. if you think campbell's® 33 new soups sound good... imagine how they taste!
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m'm m'm good!® introducing new flonase allergy relief nasal spray, now available over the counter in full prescription strength. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms.
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look for specially marked packages at walmart. tracfone. do everything for less. ♪ flavor feeds the soul. it's the beat you move to, the track you don't want to end. that's why these all-new special k snack bars are full of the good stuff like golden oats, dark chocolaty chunks and salty pretzels. each for 100 feel-good calories. ♪ because you should give life all the flavor you've got. special k snacks. be flavorful.
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now to the incredible midair rescue caught on camera. a skydiver falling unconscious suffering a seizure moments after jumping from the plane. abc's reena ninan has the story. >> reporter: it's the moment this routine sky dive nearly turned deadly. the whole nail-biting ordeal caught on camera. the dive starts smoothly. 22-year-old christopher jones training to become a sky dive instructor jumping from 12,000 feet over western australia and soaring through the sky. but at 9,000 feet watch as jones suddenly falls unconscious. he says experiencing a seizure in midair. for 30 seconds jones who suffers from epilepsy but believed his condition was under control plummeting towards earth at
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than than 120 miles an hour. falling further away from his instructor. but at 4,000 feet an amazing midair rescue. able to reach jones and pull his rip cord releasing his parachute. >> i was glad to get him to stop turning and making sure he had his parachute over his head. >> i wake up at 3,000 feet thankfully under a fully inflated parachute. >> able to guide him to a safe landing. the video going viral this morning with more than 3 million views. but for jones, the clip, a severe souvenir a clip of the potential diving disaster. >> he's a massive hero. >> just doing our job. >> for "good morning america," reena ninan, abc news new york. >> i would say hero. >> i would say. absolutely. coming up she was the inspiration for the devil wears
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prada and now revealing the secrets to her success. that is all. ♪ >> coming up "gma's" concert series presented by hilton. ready for you in over 12,000 cities and 12 brands. e. or be the vp of splash. hilton. 12 distinct brands in over 2,000 cities. book now. what goes into delicious ghirardelli squares? our hearts, our passion, our sense of taste \sseg we carefully craft the finest chocolate... you can savor life's sweetest moments. we pour our hearts into every square. ghirardelli of san francisco. discover dark chocolate with sea salt and almonds.
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♪ ♪ ♪ what 8 grams of protein looks like when you decide water wings are for kids. start your day with the power of protein. milk life. i love life, and my days are filled
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with important lunches and afternoon meetings. i also like to play hard whether i'm spending time with friends or an evening with my favorite date. i take good care of myself and i like what i see when i look in the mirror. in fact, i've often been told i'm the best pair of legs in the room. the so slimming collection. only at chico's and
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"good morning america" is brought to you by chicos. shop the seasons must-have fashions. >> still ahead, the man behind the popular paleo diet revealing new secrets and we loved them on "dancing with the stars." now skbrieljulian and derek hough are with us with a big announcement you don't want to miss. stay with us.
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an out pouring of grief in oakland after a 14-year-old boy is gunned down a few blocks from his home. police are looking at surveillance video to see what lead to the killing of devon ellis. >> good morning, everybody. scattered showers on the way. look where the best radar returns are, they're over the ocean. a possibility of them exists even some thunder and small hail. low to mid 60s except for 50s at the coast.
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>> traffic cam on this accident southbound 101 in san jose. you can see an overturned truck. two right lanes blocked. traffic is now bumper to bump [alarms blaring] ohhhhh... whoa whoa whoa! who's responsible for this?!? if something goes wrong, you find a scapegoat. ...rick. it's what you do. ahhhhhhhh! what'd you say? uh-oh! kelly! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. rick. don't walk away from me. ahhhhhhhh!
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♪ good morning america. it's 8:00 a.m. and "fashion police" star kelly osbourne calls it quits. the star leaving the show after co-host giuliana rancic's dments about zendaya's hair and kelly osbourne's mom is speaking out. and run for your life. could a quick jog predict how long you'll live? the science behind the treadmill test. and oscar winner mo'nique really blackballed by hollywood? the star taking on her critics now. >> am i willing to put my integrity on the line for hollywood? no. >> the actress setting the record straight this morning. ♪ and paleo your plate. the creator of one of the hottest diets dishing on what you could cook up to slim down. his secrets to transforming your life.
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and call us maybe. carly rae jepsen performing live right here in time square as we say -- >> good morning, america. it's nice. >> awe. >> who doesn't love george. >> talk about loving the dragon part. >> at least screaming dragon. we do say good morning, america. how about carly rae jepsen. she is here, red carpet arrival this morning, and her fans getting ready of her world premiere brand-new song. >> some people say it's even more catchy than "call me maybe." >> no. >> remember how much sam used to sing that. >> and also do like, you know -- >> he would do that, right.
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look who else is here this morning. derek and julianne hough. live with a big announcement. there they are. we're just as couple weeks away from the new season of dancing. a lot to talk about with them. >> hi, guys. they look great. and also fashion's inspiration behind "the devil wears prada" and she is revealing her secret to success and why she says everyone should be fired at least once in their life as only she can say. >> lot coming up. let's go to amy for some news. >> we begin with a rough morning commute for millions of americans. another winter storm dumping snow across the major cities of the northeast after slamming parts of the midwest and hundreds of flights cancelled again today. and there is more to come with a blizzard warning issued in minnesota. ginger's forecast coming up. and then, dramatic video of a deadly police shooting is stirring controversy in los angeles. police officers responding to a robbery call shot a homeless man reaching for one of their weapons. one officer appeared to punch
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the man on the ground. an investigation is under way and a protest is planned for tomorrow. overseas, breaking news from iraq. government forces have launched a major new offensive to recapture the key city of tikrit, saddam hussein's hometown about 80 miles from baghdad. new details in the hunt for the isis execution never known as jihadi john. legal documents reveal that he was known to british security forces as early as 2011 and may have tried to join a terror group in somalia and also linked to the men tried to attack london's subway in 2005. and growing concern about parents not vaccinating their children. a study confirms parents are increasingly delaying vaccines in children under 2 and one in five doctors who were surveyed said at least 10% of parents had requested vaccine delays even though the decision could put their children and other children at risk.
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well, a store clerk in kentucky stood up for her family when she fought back to stop a robber. she grabbed his gun. he went for the register. she fired one shot during the struggle. he then tries to get away with the cash. she refuses to give up. grabs him. look at that. he got away. but without any of the money. the clerk's family owns that store. and finally, a double-take for deadheads. ticket prices for this summer's 50th anniversary grateful dead concerts are skyrocketing to say the least online. i had to look at this a couple of times. i didn't believe it. a three-day pass selling for more than $1.1 million. other tickets, at a more reasonable rate of $116,000. the concerts will be their last. i can't get my head around that. >> is that a misprint? >> i looked at it a couple times. >> $1 million? >> yeah. >> a lot of cash on hand apparently. >> get those lighters ready. now to health news.
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breakthrough new study that could help determine how long you may live and all it could take is a quick jog on a treadmill. abc's dr. jennifer ashton has more on that. >> reporter: getting on the treadmill. perfect for calorie burning cardio. ♪ >> reporter: perfect for calorie-burning cardio and of course, multitasking. >> their dance is totally going to be better. >> reporter: this morning ground-breaking research suggests the treadmill can predict how long you're going to live. the study released overnight by the mayo clinic looked at the results of 58,000 treadmill stress tests conducted on patients from 18 to 96 years of age. after age and gender the study found that the two best predictors of whether a patient would be alive in ten years, were their heart rate during the test and how highly activated their metabolism was. >> cardio respiratory fitness is
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one of the strongest predictors of survival. >> reporter: health experts say even the worst results are far from a death sentence. quite to the contrary, they say it could be the perfect catalyst to make a change. >> all right, jen, a lot of people are talking about this. it makes sense of course to be fit. >> right. >> explain the science behind this. >> it's truly survival of the fittest. in medicine we usually base predictions on survival on the absence or presence of the disease state. what's new here is there's a fancy equation doctors can use to compare survival of a 50-year-old woman against another 50-year-old woman and why that's relevant is because hopefully then we can use it to motivate behavioral change. >> people have been torn. some people want to know and some people don't want to know. >> if this is in your power to change and improve your number. >> right. >> pump up the speed. it's all about getting a high heart rate. >> right. >> and you can actually change a
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bit of your destiny on this. >> all right, you're going to be on twitter. >> yes. >> some people want to ask questions. >> i'll be tweeting as i'm exercising. >> kick it up a bit. there you go. tweet her at dr. j ashton. we want to know, would you take a test to found out how long you would like to live? cast your vote. "pop news" coming up and lara with "the morning menu." be careful. >> be careful. here's a look at "gma" morning menu. in "pop news" fashion icon anna wintour revealing her secrets to success and why she says everyone should get fired at least once and kelly osbourne calling it quits on "fashion police" and what her mom is saying about that. and the creator of the popular paleo diet has secrets to transforming your life and recipes that are easy for all of us. hear that? carly rae jepsen. "call me maybe."
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a new song! hi, welcome back. >> thank you so much. >> carly rae jepsen, everybody! she'll be here live coming up here on "gma." how are you? >> "gma's morning menu" is brought to you by advil. the pain reliever built to be as fast as it is strong. what's that you're drinking? it's trop50 with calcium. it has delicious new taste and has 50% less calories. with this taste? no way. give me fifty squats. it can't taste this good read the label ...and have 50% less calories? exactly. now you drop... ...and give me the 50. trop50 calcium. new taste so good you won't believe it has 50% less calories. you claim you're paying too much for wireless but isn't this what you agreed to? yes. i object! we move to cut ms. kapur's rate plan in half! no one should be paying these prices to call their mother... we demand a great rate plan at half the price. i got you ms. kapur. been fouled by your wireless carrier? bring in your verizon or at&t bill
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and turn in your old phone. we'll cut your rate plan in half. we'll even buy out your current contract. visit us online or come into a sprint store. half. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. [ m'm... ] [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] give
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extra. get extra. ♪ ♪ ♪ just dance ♪ i'm just hanging out with the ultimate dancing duo julianne and derek hough. they're showing me some killer moves right now. killer moves, right. walking dead, right? >> yes. >> their big announcement just ahead on "gma." and better dancers than that. new parents? we don't know anything. we know absolutely nothing. we just adopted two new puppies from petsmart. petsmart charities save over a thousand pets a day. we love that. look who's here, i'm the fun mother. hey, mom, uh, how'd you get in the house? i climbed in the window.
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i'm going to call the yellow one "expressway." we already came up with names for the puppies. i'm gonna call the other one "snake finder." pethood's better with a partner. that's why petsmart has all you need to take care of your kids. you guys gotta see this. how have you not seen this? this line up is incredible. you need to see this. hey. did you get the link? yeah i did. thanks man. wait till you see this. are you guys ready to see this? yeah. i'm so glad we did this. samsung galaxy tabs with our best screen of any tablet get $50 off at best buy.
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♪ i know what you're thinking, but this is new and improved i can't believe it's not butter! 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives. now made with real ingredients you can pronounce. two, please. i can't believe it's not butter. 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives. ♪ whoa ♪ ♪ when i wake up in the morning to the clear blue sky ♪ ♪ turn up the music when i hop in the ride ♪ ♪ i'm the bomb and about to blow up... ♪ the new work collection. perfected. by white house black market. introducing light & fit protein shakes the new way to help make temptations shrink away. with 12 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber and 0% fat. new light & fit protein shakes. taste the power of satisfaction. ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome back, everybody. times square this monday morning, with a wonderful
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crowd out there and they want to know what's popping, lara. that's what they want to know. i am the woman to ask, robin roberts, and we begin this morning with this. nothing more fashionable than success. and the "vogue" editor revealing how she made it to the top in a new book. called "winners and how they succeed." telling the author being decisive even when you're not sure of yourself is one secret to success. the old perception is reality my mom used to say. and fashion's most powerful woman also reveals that she can't make a gown or write a story, but her secret is she's great at spotting and nurturing talent in other people and she's willing to admit it does take a village and maybe, most surprising of all, everyone should get fired at least once in her career. the "vogue" chief was fired in a position at harper's bazaar and it made her look at herself and step up her game. step back she says. a reality of life.
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perfection doesn't exist, except at this table. >> oh, no. she has a lot of -- a lot of words of wisdom there. >> beauty and perfection is in the eye of the beholder. thank you for those notes. another one i thought was interesting, too, if someone leaves for another job on a personal level, i always see it as a opportunity to find someone new with someone different and to teach me new things. it reminds me of her character. what is her line? >> that's all. >> that's all. good luck in your new adventure. okay, also in "pop news." oscar-winning actress lupita nyong'o, she can flash those pearly whites again, people. the dress may have been found just days after it was reportedly stolen from her hotel. they said to look in the second floor bathroom. it was an anonymous phone call. it has not yet been confirmed. the designer is thrilled. when they get the dress back it will be restored and archived as it is now and the important
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moment for the calvin klein brand. it was already an important moment when it was just an oscar beauty. now it's got an interesting aspect. >> as we say -- >> as we say in the junk business. not couture but in antiques or collecting, it's the story behind something. >> i would brake for that in a yard sale. >> maybe someone could have been if it remained stolen. that was the mystery behind it. anyway, mystery solved we hope. and then, finally, this one comes from will, our new producer. will. whale, whale, whale. what do we have here? it's juno at the mystic aquarium in connecticut. he's playing cute with the little kids. hi, kids. i want to say hi to you and do a little nose press. and then i'm going to do that. and then -- well -- >> that's so cute. >> unclear whether juno looks at
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the kids as lunch or if he just has amazing comic timing. >> kids can't get enough. >> they can't get enough of that. >> it's hilarious. juno is now a star fish. and that everybody is "pop news." >> way to go, will. >> way to go, will. >> yay! >> first day on the job. well done. >> well done. >> thanks. heat index coming up and let's go to ginger. >> oh, my goodness. i am here with my new friends keeping them warm. you're from where? >> san diego. >> san diego, and that's where we want to start in southern california. it looks like snow. you'll see the label. los angeles. that's actually hail from sunday falling in slow motion. so the hail, the thunderstorms, again, possible today. heavy rain, too. that's why from there to phoenix we have flood watches. in california and winter weather
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advisories in some of the higher elevations the snow levels drops to 5,000 feet and 15-plus good monday morning. i'm nick with your bay area micro climate forecast. clouds are on the increase the possibility of listening, thunder and small hail today. clearing. a little bit of fog inland. we have a big time warming trend coming towards the back half of the forecast. low to mid 60s. check out all the 30s inland to 40s near the shore. we all get to >> okay, you got to turn around. this is the strongest bow i have seen in a long time. that's a solid bow. let's get back inside. >> thanks. we're going to kick off the "heat index" with kelly osbourne leaving the "fashion police" the latest fallout followed by the controversial comments made by giuliana
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rancic. gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: this morning kelly osbourne no longer an officer on the hit show "fashion police." e! telling abc news the 30-year-old is departing to pursue other opportunities continuing we would like to thank her for her many contributions to the series over the past five years. >> while this is a rare occurrence "fashion police" is in a moment of transition and i think kelly exiting is another step in the show's transition. >> reporter: osbourne's sudden exit coming just days after she defended teen actress zendaya from giuliana rancic's comments about her appearance at the oscars. >> i feel like she smells like patchouli oil or weed. >> i do not condone racism. so, as a result of this, i'm seriously questioning staying on the show. >> i'm so, so sincerely sorry. >> reporter: osbourne seeming to
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accept rancic's public apology tweeting, it takes a strong woman to apologize and makes a forgiving woman even stronger. >> kelly, that has to be right. >> reporter: kelly's mother sharon, in true osbourne family fashion, expressing support for her daughter tweeting, i am so proud of you, you can never be bought. you always wear your heart on your sleeve. >> when kelly went on her little twitter rant, that's what fans love her for. from here it's only up for kelly osbourne. >> reporter: as for who might replace her on the show, e! says no decisions have been made. for "good morning america" gio benitez abc news, new york. >> kelly is going to be just fine. she has a lot of talent and she was really good on the program. we wish her the best. next, oscar winner mo'nique speaking out and responding to a top movie maker's claim is that she was blackballed by the industry after winning the
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academy award for precious. deb, you sat down with her didn't you? >> i sure did. mo'nique has been known as a straight talking star who speaks her mind and has a thick skin. she was taken aback by the suggestion that she is on hollywood's unwanted list. she's one of the original queens of comedy. >> did the queen bow to me? >> reporter: turned oscar winning actress. >> i would like to thank the academy for showing that it can be about the performance and not the politics. >> reporter: but for some, mo'nique's blunt acceptance speech for her 2010 supporting actress win branded her as a less than gracious winner. >> people were saying someone needs to teach mo'nique a lesson because she's not playing the game and she's going to get in her own way of winning this award because it seems like she's choosing her family over hollywood. >> reporter: the 47-year-old mom of four says her choice to spend free time with her family instead of campaigning for her 2009 film "precious" may have hurt her reputation with some but not her career within
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hollywood. did you have any idea that some how hollywood was turning its nose up at you? >> i had no idea because i don't think that hollywood has turned its nose up to me. i think that those are feelings that mr. daniels is having and then he said there were things that mo'nique, she didn't thank the producers and the studio. and that's just not things that you do. well, it had nothing to do with the producers nor the studio. mr. daniels had a problem that i didn't say his name the night of the oscar awards. >> reporter: that would be lee daniels, the critically acclaimed director of "precious" who said mo'nique proved to be difficult making unreasonable demands that left her blackballed in hollywood. >> you got to play ball. this is not just show. it's show business. and you got to play ball. >> reporter: what did you take from that comment? >> i appreciate that comment, because he's absolutely right. it is show business. a game does have to be played but why can't we play the fair
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game? why can't we play the right game? if you're asking am i willing to put my integrity on the line for hollywood? no. >> reporter: did you have any idea that you had soured some relationships in hollywood? >> again, if i had, the scripts and the calls would have stopped coming because hollywood is a small community. they never stopped coming. >> reporter: though she hasn't seen huge financial benefits to winning that oscar, she says she's doing very well, thank you, with a sold-out comedy tour and her latest film hitting theaters next month, "black bird." nobody needs to feel sorry for mo'nique at this moment? >> please don't feel bad or sorry for mo'nique because mo'nique doesn't feel bad or sorry for mo'nique. you would be wasting your energy. >> very outspoken. mo'nique and her husband are executive producers of the new independent film and she says she hopes she'll get to work with lee daniels again. >> and they do have respect for
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one another. >> absolutely. she calls him brilliant and he calls her a creative force of nature. i think they have creative differences. >> i knew you were going there. we're going to have mo'nique back in april because of her movie coming out, so we'll talk to her then. >> and it looks very powerful. >> she's very strong-willed. thank you. let's go now to lara. >> next up in our heat index one of the hottest ways to lose weight, the paleo diet which is so popular with celebrities. >> and now, the leading expert on the diet has written his first cookbook and abc's aditi roy has more. >> soon to be mom jessica beal swears by it. megan fox is also a follower. the paleo diet is more popular than ever before and now its secrets revealed in a cookbook by paleo diet founder dr.
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cordain. >> our genes haven't changed a whole lot in the last 50,000 years. we do quite well on the foods that we're genetically adapted to. >> reporter: the idea is to eat foods our ancestors ate tens of thousands of years ago. he claims you'll stay in shape and protect yourself better from heart disease and diabetes. one secret, cordain says that following the diet can help reduce or eliminate acne. the hard part, eating only grass-fed meat, fish and veggies and fruits, and staying away from processed foods, sugar, wheat, grains and dairy. but here's another secret. you can cheat. cordain recommends following the diet at least 85% of the time. when you are on it, he says you can swap out snacks like potato chips with veggie chips. >> for instance, we have sliced sweet potato chips. and beet chips. >> i wouldn't have thought this would taste good. >> it tastes really good. >> reporter: or instead of granola. >> we have cashews and nuts.
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>> reporter: but not everyone is sold on the diet. >> the downfall is missing out on certain foods that we feel are important to have in one's diet such as rich in fiber and other good nutrients. >> when we eliminate those, all the other foods fill in and make the diet much healthier. and nutrient dense. >> reporter: staying ahead of the fitness curve by throwing back to the stone ages. for "good morning america" aditi roy, abc news, denver, colorado. >> like it? >> yeah. >> i like the cheat factor just a little bit. just a little bit helps you stick to it. we were both saying it seems to make sense. >> going back to your roots. >> yep. experts do suggest talking to your doctor, though, before starting this or any new diet. >> and the real paleo diet cookbook is available in stores now. right now, coming up on "good morning america," derek and julianne hough and they got a big announcement. don't go anywhere.
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. good morning. i'm kristen sze. happening today, the san jose city council will start looking at money to fix one of the biggest problems in the city crumb bling roads. potholes and other problems are eye opening. half a billion dollars. lots of other problems on the roadways. >> thank you. specifically san jose. southbound 101 an overturned big rig accident blocking the two right lanes. chp on scene fire on scene, a couple of tow trucks on scene here.
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southbound 101 remains closed at this hour.
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here's a look at live doppler 7 hd. some light rain. this is all sliding southward out ahead of our low that's going to bring us a better chance of scattered showers,
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listening and small hail. not much in the way of rain. it will be light. ♪ hey i just met you ♪ ♪ and this is crazy ♪ ♪ but here's my number ♪ ♪ so call me maybe ♪ ♪ and all the other boys ♪ ♪ try to chase me ♪ ♪ but here's my number ♪ ♪ so call me maybe ♪ ♪ before you came into my life i missed you so bad ♪ ♪ i missed you so bad ♪ ♪ i missed you so so bad ♪ ♪ before you came into my life i missed you so bad ♪ ♪ and you should know that ♪ ♪ so call me maybe ♪ >> we got to get upstairs. >> yeah. >> that's carly rae jepsen performing call me maybe. and she's going to have the world premier of her new single. the song is already trending on
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facebook this morning. >> she's got another one coming. you don't want to miss that. she had a little help there. >> she did. >> derrick and julie an huff are right there. there they are. they're here this morning to give us a big announcement. >> and then marvel fans you need to listen up here's a great chance for you to win a trip to the premier of the new avenger's movie called "age of ultron" and here's robert down any, jr. with more. >> have you had the best night of your life ever yet? donate $10 or more for a chance to win the experience. i fly you and a friend out to l.a. and proceed to awesome the [ muted ] out of you. maybe a pit stop at randy's donuts. plus all proceeds go towards funding the hospice center for children with illnesses.
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go to >> that sounds pretty awesome, right. you need to go to for the incredible experience. robin, over to you. >> an incredible medical breakthrough. imagine this being plunged into a world of darkness. told you would never see again only to be given a second chance at sight. you're about to witness technology part of a digital series. my company, we are launching today the future of health. you'll find it on webmd. >> larry lester was 33 years old when he got the horrible news. >> the ophthalmologist said you're going to go blind. it was very devastating. it was like the wind got knocked out of me.
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it was tough. >> blindness came quickly and soon larry lived his life in the dark. his wife by his side. and for another 33 years the couple coped. then in 2014 a breakthrough they never imagined. the possibility that larry could see again. >> look up. >> it's called the system. the world's first fda device designed to restore vision to the blind. basically a bionic eye. >> how does this work? how does it restore sight? >> it starts with electrodes implanted on the patient's retina and the patient wears eyeglasses and has a video camera that captures the images and sends them to a unit that the patient wear that is sends electrical impulses back to the ecelectrodes and then to the brain which allows them to
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decipher light and dark vision for them. >> it's impossible to tell what the patient can see but it may be something like this. >> it's not normal vision as you or i know it but what they do get is crude series of flashes of lights in a fixpixel fashion that allow them to make better sense. >> in october 2014 it was time for dr. paul hahn to turn on the device of his patient. >> i did a countdown just to catch my own breath. >> three, two, one. >> and then i hit the button. >> yes. >> can you see? >> oh my goodness. >> can you see larry? >> yes. >> oh my goodness. can i give him a kiss? >> yes. >> oh yes. >> it was so overwhelming. i think my head rocked back a bit. it's hard to put in words because for the first time in 33
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years i'm seeing light. >> so you can see the wall? >> that's where it changes. >> that's where it changes, larry. >> right there. >> it's so incredibly basic, it's light. and it's in my case sight. >> my bionic man. that is so cool, larry. >> recently larry's son-in-law rigged a set of christmas lights around a basketball hoop. >> so i was able to make about four out of seven baskets. >> oh. >> yay! you did it. >> that's pretty positive. that's good stuff. >> that's great stuff. so happy for larry and his family. a remarkable story of hope. that's just a sneak peek of one of five episodes each one having a medical breakthrough a noninvasive obesity treatment to
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3d printers transplanting organ transplants to an experimental procedure that allows women without a womb to carry babies of their own. >> amazing. >> we're going to be showcasing the people coming up with this technology and the wonderful people who are fortunate to be benefitting from this. >> so inspirational from the medical standpoint and the patient. >> the name of the series says it all. the future. >> we're teaming up with team webmd. >> good stuff. >> ginger having the final check of the weather. >> hey, guys. you know it is spring when i get to do this. we're talking roller coaster weather. let's pretend we're on one. ready. woo! it's a waive and a roll lor coaster all together. it's a serious part to this because when the temperatures fluctuate and you have eight feet of snow you're going to
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have roof collapses. this morning horses got out safe just east of austin. nashville, 64 for a high on tuesday. 29 subfreezing by good morning. i'm mike nicco. chance of scattered showers with the possibility of thunder and small hail later that afternoon. my accuweather seven-day forecast warming trend all the way into the wee . >> all that weather brought to you by petsmart and a sneak peek of tonight's episode of "the bachelor." the women tell all. get some oohs in there. one woman putting chris on the spot. >> why not give me the curtsy to pull me aside and have a conversation with me and give me the opportunity you gave becca.
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why would you choose -- andy gave you that courtesy to not make you stand through something -- [ applause ] >> i'm just more looking for like what in your mind was like i'm going to make her stand through that rose ceremony and i'm not going to call her name instead of taking her side and giving her that courtesy? what made you decide that? >> ooh. chris, my man, looks a little sweaty there. you can watch an extended sneak peek of tonight's episode at atia yahoo and tune into "the bachelor" right here on abc. it's kind of like the roller coaster. we can do it again. ooh. on "the bachelor." robin. >> coming up derrick and julianne hough here live. they have got a big announcement.
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why do we do it? why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people?
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♪ hi everybody. just sitting down because we wanted to show you a picture from our twitter situation. go ahead and roll. look at you two. even when you're trying to be silly you're still gorgeous. derrick and julianne hough at our twitter mirror minutes ago and here live. a big announcement to share with our viewers this morning. hit it you guys. >> who is going to do it? >> go for it babe.
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>> the big announcement is derek and i are going back on the road this summer. >> yes. >> with our tour. live on tour. >> this was a huge hit last year and i understand that because of all the fans saying please do this again, you guys added some elements and cities. >> new cities and bigger venues and all new production. brand new show. new choreography. amazing team. our directors are incredible. it's going to be a blast. a great tour. >> last year we said it was a rock concert for dance and this year it's going to be a bigger concert for dance. what's awesome is our whole goal is the way that you move directly affects the way you feel. we get out in the audience and bring people up on stage. we're singing and dancing and doing funny skits and competition and that whole thing. >> you guys show your range because you are not just dancers as we have seen. in acting. i love that you were in
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"nashville." hint hint. please come back. and i was excited to read your going to do "grease live". >> that is a huge dream come true and also nerve-wracking. i'm excited. it's next year. >> you have some time. you can move and get your chops there. you guys clearly obviously don't like a lot of down-time. "dancing with the stars." so happy you're back. of course, you're judging and you're also radio city music hall just down the block. >> yeah. >> i'm going to be very familiar with that stage by then. >> isn't that place magical? >> it's huge. amazing. >> last year we played at the beacon and that was my first broadway debut. i cried. to play radio city music hall is
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amazing. >> the history, you can just feel it. >> the hydraulic system is from way back when. the original one. >> please make sure it's working, oiled. we have so many great questions because you have so many fans. here's a question i thought was interesting. does it ever get awkward dancing with each other? >> we definitely change moves up. there was a move that we're rehearsing for the other day and all the backup dancers came over and smacked the girl's butt and we're like we can't do that. >> it's fun. we're constantly laughing and joking around with each other. we're like playing tricks on each other while we dance. >> speaking of let's play a game shall we? >> yeah. >> sibling showdown. who takes the most time to get ready? i can see where this is going. who eats more sweets? good. who is mom and dad's favorite? oh.
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i doubt that. >> i'm just kidding. that's not true. >> who does the best running man? we'll need a demonstration. >> go for it. >> i'll go. like this. >> pretty good. that's pretty good. better than yours? >> yeah. >> we'll let him have that one. final question who does a faster jive? oh. >> oh come on. >> we'll decide during the commercial break. everybody, check out move live on tour. the tickets go on sale when? >> this friday. >> this friday and don't miss the premier of "dancing with the stars" monday march 16th 8:00 7:00 central right here on abc. judge dancer going for it always. >> head to head. >> going to be good coming up carly rae jepsen with the world premier of her brand new sin
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here i am with carly rae jepsen. she took a snapchat just a few moments ago. her new single just out at midnight. >> yes. >> it's getting great reviews. people think it's definitely going to be even catch here than call me maybe that you set a high bar last time. >> i haven't slept much tonight. knowing i was going to be on the show. quite excited about it. >> first, you caused quite a stir in new york a few weeks back. let's show the video. tom hanks and justin bieber. >> yes. >> it's a pair you wouldn't automatically think. >> it's a great combo there. we loved the idea of a video and justin was in town and he's like i'm going to come down. and we're like sure. >> was it hard to convince tom? >> he actually kind of offered. >> no kidding? >> yeah. we'll get into it later but yeah. >> i wish we had more time for
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the story but we don't. we want to hear you sing. more to come right? >> yes. more to come. >> let's hear "i really like you." ♪ i really wanna stop ♪ ♪ i just got a taste for it ♪ ♪ i can fly with the boy on the moon ♪ ♪ honey, hold my hand ♪ ♪ like making me wait for it ♪ ♪ oh yeah ♪ ♪ late night watch ♪ ♪ television ♪ ♪ how we get this position ♪ ♪ it's way too soon ♪ ♪ i know this isn't love ♪ ♪ but i need to tell you something ♪ ♪ i really really really really really really like you ♪ ♪ and i want you, do you want me too ♪ ♪ i really really really,
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really like you ♪ ♪ and i want you ♪ ♪ do you want me ♪ ♪ do you want me too ♪ ♪ do i think too much ♪ ♪ i'm so in my head ♪ ♪ we're out of touch ♪ ♪ i really really really really really really like you ♪ ♪ and i want you ♪ ♪ do you want me ♪ ♪ do you want me too ♪ ♪ it's like everything you say ♪ ♪ a sweet revelation ♪ ♪ all i want to do ♪ ♪ is get into your head ♪ ♪ we can stay alone you and me ♪ ♪ sipping on your lips ♪ ♪ hanging on by a thread ♪ ♪ baby ♪ ♪ late night watching television ♪ ♪ but how did we get in this position ♪ ♪ it's way too soon i know this isn't love ♪ ♪ but i need to tell you something ♪ ♪ i really really really really really really like
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you ♪ ♪ and i want you ♪ ♪ do you want me too ♪ ♪ i really really really really really like you ♪ ♪ do you want me too ♪ ♪ oh do i say too much ♪ ♪ i'm so in my head ♪ ♪ when we're out of touch ♪ ♪ i really really really really really like you ♪ ♪ and i want you ♪ ♪ do you want me ♪ ♪ do you want me too ♪ ♪ who gave you eyes like that ♪ ♪ said you could keep them ♪ ♪ i don't know how to act or if i should be leaving ♪ ♪ i'm running out of time ♪ ♪ going out of my mind ♪ ♪ i need to tell you something ♪ ♪ i need to tell you something ♪ ♪ yay ♪ ♪ i really really really really, really like you ♪ ♪ and i want you ♪ ♪ do you want me too ♪ ♪ i really really really really really like you ♪ ♪ and i want you ♪ ♪ do you want me ♪
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♪ do you want me too ♪ ♪ oh did i say too much ♪ ♪ i'm so in my head ♪ ♪ when we're out of touch ♪ ♪ i really really really really really really like you ♪ ♪ and i want you ♪ ♪ do you want me ♪ ♪ do you want me too ♪ ♪ i really really really really really like you ♪ ♪ i need to tell you ♪ ♪ i really really really really like you ♪ ♪ and i want you ♪ ♪ do you want me, too ♪ [ applause ] >> "gma's" winter concert series is presented by hilton. ready for you in over 2,000 cities and 12 brands.
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hey! i found my true love livin' in a sweet dream. singin' my favorite song and it all starts with you. whoa-oh-oh-oh, all this goodness... what matters most should always come first. which is why whole grain is
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the first ingredient in every general mills big g cereal. and why we never use high fructose corn syrup. general mills. look for the big g. it means goodness first.
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yes! so good that now carly rae back with us. we really really really really like you too, thank you for being here with everybody.
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>> thank you so much for having me. >> and counting up the total number of reallies in that song. thanks a lot. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪ i really really really like you ♪ 6
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mt. hood was left off the list. so was the oregon coast, the columbia river gorge and the painted hills. smith rock and the wallowas are all missing. whoever named the seven wonders never set foot in oregon because even crater lake was left off their list. so we see your wonders world and raise you seven of our own. the seven wonders of oregon. see one, or better yet see them all.
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. good morning. i'm kristen sze. we'll check out your forecast with mike nicco. >> good morning, everybody. we're seeing a shower right up across 84 and 35. it's going to rain in your neighborhood pretty soon. we've been seeing sprinkles most of the morning up in the northbound. low to mid 60s today, upper 50s at the coast. possibility of thunder with some small hail out of these storms, but it won't be a repeat of saturday. >> cig alert in san jose. big rig over on its side. you have moved it out of lanes. the transition still remains blocked. the and still a lane blocked westbound 80.
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big back announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, from the series, "the following," kevin bacon. and star of "secrets & lies," juliette lewis. plus, chef daniel boulud helps us kick off "live"'s healthy hearty cooking week. and get ready to play the new game in town. "spin into spring travel trivia." all next on "live." [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪


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